Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breaking Points - Sugarbucket/Bex

LADIES! (And maybe gents) 

Do you like angst? Do you like love? Do you like watching two people, who are clearly meant to be, torture themselves because they don’t believe they deserve to be happy – even though you’re yelling at them through the pages? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then do I have the story for you.

Breaking Points by a young woman named Bex (Sugarbucket is her pen-name). It is absolutely phenomenally written. This isn’t your typical romance novel, no. This is a beautifully crafted novel that will wind you up in the world. She is a true magician with words. I read the first chapter, wary at first, and her writing style made the characters come alive in a professional and expert way. This, clearly, is the way the original book should have been written in the first place.

Done by:
Jane and Mr. Rochester from film adaption of Jane Eyre.

Yes, I am talking about a FanFiction. And, yes, it is a Twilight fanfic.

NO, NO, NO!! Don’t go anywhere just yet, please! Please! Hear me out!

This is the only fanfic that I will post here. Purely because it is SO spectacularly written. It is about Edward and Rosalie (the bitchy blonde Cullen “sister”). Bex takes Twilight and makes it make sense. Whoa! I know right?? Who thought that could happen? It takes a true writer to concoct something as … wow … as this story. It gives backstory; it uses the canon (the original storyline) to its advantage; it lives and breathes epic romance. I’m serious!

Why do Rosalie and Edward supposedly hate each other? Why is Rosalie such a bitch? Why does Emmett stay with her? Why is Jasper so close to her? Why does Edward love Bella? Why did Stephenie Meyer have Carlisle say that Rosalie and Edward were made for each other? Why does Rosalie really help Bella through her pregnancy?

What if it was because Bella was everything Rosalie was not? What if Jasper saw himself in Rosalie? What if Rosalie saved Emmett? What if Rosalie was raped and beaten to death? What if Rosalie and Edward are scared of themselves? What if happiness was something too foreign to them? What if lies were too easy to tell?

Done by:
No relation to Breaking Points at all. I just thought it was beautiful and angsty.
Breaking Points has the answers. It spins a beautiful web of story that Stephenie Meyer couldn’t even dream of. (I’m not so subtly making a jab at the fact that Twilight was written because Meyer had a dream of a pretty, sparkly vampire lying in a field with, basically, herself.) This is kind of a satire on the original, too. Every now and then, there’s a quip about the original storyline or Bella’s…well, Bella-ness.

Bex has written a masterpiece. It’s like someone covered all the plot failures of Twilight with superhero Band-Aids. Well, most of them… She has stayed true to the original plot that Meyer created. This is not something that is really fanfic-y and the author runs away in an entirely different direction. Nope. This is true to what Meyer wrote. And, I respect Bex all the more for it. It’s a very difficult thing to write the way she has. Yes, it’s online <here>. And, no, I do not suggest printing it out. You will slaughter an entire forest in the process. She covers all 4 books in 41 Chapters. Don’t be daunted by its length! The chapters vary in length, and in character perspectives, and in doses of angst.

Please, give it a try. This piece deserves so much recognition. The final chapter was just released (you lucky people don’t have to wait for each chapter). Bex is in the process of writing her own novel, which I will definitely be picking up once its finished. Not all FanFiction is bad. Breaking Points is a brilliant example of that fact.

Happy Reading!

Here is another review of Breaking Points.


  1. You almost make me want to read this, even though I have enough fanfics of my own to read (and write). Reason why I would not want to read this: I don't care enough about the characters to be attracted to reading a fanfic about them.

    And just wondering- why did you decide to read it?

    1. It's so snazzy that you write fanfics!! ^u^

      Oh! Completely understandable! Anything Twilight isn't exactly high up on anyone's list, haha!

      Actually, a friend of mine sent it to me, telling me it was brilliant. I trust her judgment, so I tried it out. Honestly, the first chapter had me saying, "Whoa, this writer is good." It was like finding out a cliche, chick-flick was actually good/decent/fun. Caught me totally by surprise! It's like Bex took Stephenie Meyer's badly written OC's and made them belong.

  2. First off I just want to say that I'm really a fan of your blog, and I'm always looking for a new book to read or a new game to play (still have to work on Amnesia...), and this post may have convinced me to indulge my middle-school Twilight-reading days.

    I also wanted to make a quick request-- any suggestions for a manga series to try? I always find myself reading the books more than watching the animes, and I'm pretty much willing to try anything. Anyway, it would be awesome if you did a manga review/rant. :)

    1. Aww!! Thank you so much! :3 I'm glad you like it!

      Oh, of course!! I'll definitely do a manga review! And maybe a rant if I get on the topic of, say, Naruto, or something. I happen to prefer manga, but I love anime all the same! I've got a series in mind for my next post, but I'll start working on a manga review for the post after!! ^u^
